Interactive Tablets

New case study coming soon.

The 3 museum exhibits, "Jewelry", "Hot, Hotter, Hottest", and "Style and Status in Sterling" used a consistent UI for visitors. The jewelry exhibit had 100 pieces with digital labels, zoom, and video. The other two exhibits had additional features like dimmed screens and motion detection.

The table in front of the displays features a mirror image of what's above, allowing visitors to easily identify and interact with the objects they are interested in on the screen.
A close-up of the tablets object selection screen.
An example of the object details page after selection, featuring navigation at the top with access to features such as image galleries, video, and high-resolution zoom (zoomify).
Zoomify enabled hyper-zoom capabilities for detailed examination of objects, this allowed zooming into some objects as much as 600% to 1000% without compromising image quality.
Transitioning from Android to Microsoft Surface 3 tablets in subsequent iterations provided enhanced flexibility and reliability.
An exhibit with a uniform user interface for a seamless visitor experience at the museum.
Ensuring a uniform user experience was crucial, given the proximity of multiple devices throughout the museum. Standards were established to guarantee this consistency.

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